Oh my.
It certainly is time, isn’t it.
I’m in a state of perpetual single-mindedness, while at the same time imminently distractible. I can barely stop thinking about IT, even with one of the most stressful work weeks of my job and a major mano a mano throw down with a member of our board of directors. Oh, and not to mention the three grants and one grant report that I have to get out the door today and the 1000 piece mailing that was dropped late last night.
I don’t have a glamorous life (perhaps why nobody has offered the Ableiscious moniker to me), but I certainly have a busy one.
Oh, and there’s the packing, which has changed course now that the temps in Wisconsin seem a little lower than I expected. (I guess it is Wisconsin after all!) (Although, btw, what’s up that the humidity up there? Is it the lakes? Cause you guys have an inordinate amount of moisture in the air. I thought that was all saved up for Texas.)
And there are the thank you notes and expressions of gratitude to send. I often can’t find the right words. I know. Me. IM Able….at a loss for words. Pah-shaw.
But, seriously, how do I thank everyone? The strangers who I never knew who helped me pay for the initial entrance fee, with the help of the Kahuna himself. My family who were adamant at my ability to do this even before they knew what IT really was. My future in-laws who always met me at the front door at every gathering with questions about training progress and who called after every big race. And what about the donors to CPL, who plunked their hard earned cash down for the future mobility and happiness of someone they have never met and will likely never know. And the bloggers. You guys, who I would always look for ideas and inspiration over coffee in the morning. And, Mighty M…there just isn’t any way to find the right words.
Perfect example.
Last week, Mighty M’s mother gave me the most precious gift, leaving us both in tears in the Wilmington Bertucci’s. She and I – criers. Anyway, it is a delicate charm bracelet, with tiny silver ovals scattered around its circumference. Each one says “I Am” on one side and various adjectives on the other…strong, loved, blessed, courageous, woman, joyful, etc. And there is one special charm set apart from the others that simply says…"I Am Able."
How do I thank her for that? Where are the words to describe how it feels to know someone supports you and your crazy inspirations with such resolve and kindness?
(By the way, I’m wearing it on the run. I can’t risk losing it on the swim or bike, but by golly I’m wearing it on the run. So, amid the cowbells and cheering, if you hear someone sound like wind chime tinkling away on the course…yeah, that’s me. You never know…I may need the reminder out there in the darkness.)
I’m in awe of this journey. I’m in awe of how much the small efforts you lend to the world come back to you having grown exponentially on their trip. And with all of the excitement and anticipation, all I can seem to come up with are single syllable grunts of affection and appreciation and words like “wow.”
“Wow” just doesn’t cover it. I’ll come up with the right word soon – maybe even out on the course – but for now, wow will have to suffice.